Construction Guidelines
As part of the process in developing the design guidelines for the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program, applicable roadway safety criteria from the following design manuals were considered:
- AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) - A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets
- Caltrans - Highway Design & Traffic Manuals
- FHWA (Federal Highways Administration - Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Design Criteria
- ACPWA (Alameda County Public Works Agency) Design Guidelines
The following are construction guidelines for the program:
- A step process will be used to apply traffic calming measures in communities.
- The device must be located on relatively straight, level roadway sections (i.e. tangents to horizontal and vertical curves)
- Proximity to intersections
- For speed humps, the roadway must have a gradient of less than five percent (5%) for a minimum of 230 m (750 feet) between intersections in the traffic calming area. Road humps may be used on roadways up to eight percent (8%). The minimum roadway section length may be increased for vehicle control considerations for steep grades adjacent to the roadway section under consideration. The roadway should have a minimum curb to curb or pavement width (unimproved shoulder) of 7.3 m (24 feet) or a maximum of 12.2 m (40 feet).
- Roadwasy illumination is required at the traffic calming device
- Devices, must be installed entirely within the County's right-of-way
- Devices must avoid conflicts with existing infrastructure: utilities, storm-drain facilities including gutter flow, landscaping and driveways
- Landscaping ownership and associated maintenance responsibilities must be agreed to by the adjacent property owners
- Community financial participation may be required for:
- right-of-way dedication (if necessary for the traffic calming device)
- sidewalk, curb, and gutter installation and replacement (if necessary)
- storm drain/utility relocation landscaping installation and maintenance