- Alameda County Building Ordinance 2013 (PDF - 2.6mb)*
- Alameda County Construction Debris Management Plan (PDF - 148kb)*
- Alameda County Project Stabilization Community Benefits Agreement (PDF - 1910kb)*
- An Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 12.08, Roadway Use, to regulate Wireless Facility Installations in the Public Right of Way (PDF - 250kb)*
- Flood Control and Water Conservation District Use Regulations (PDF - 119kb)*
- Grading and Permit Ordinance
- Green Building Program/Ordinance
- Residential Parking Permit Ordinance
- Shopping Cart Ordinance
- Stormwater Management & Discharge Control Ordinance (PDF - 63kb)*
- Tree Ordinance
- Watercourse Ordinances (PDF - 38kb)*